Hey there, I’m Charli Dawns! I’m the 30 year old creator of The Break of Dawns, a blog about my world travels and ever-changing lifestyle.
I hail from a teeny tiny blip on the map in northeastern Indiana; a town that’s easily forgotten by those who pass through it on their way to bigger cities. Looking for more than what that place could bring me in my early 20s, I quit my job so I could move to Germany with my now-husband. It was there where I was able to fulfill the only dream I ever remember having… traveling the world.

Two college degrees, an ever-so-empty bank account and 22 countries later, I had accumulated so many pictures and memories that I was desperately afraid of forgetting as time went on—cue the beginning of The Break of Dawns. Our time spent living in Germany inevitably ended and we were sent off to the Bay area of California for the next couple of years. Last year, we made a new move to the incredible state of Montana!

I guess you could say I’ve always been a dreamer, looking for the next best thing to keep me inspired. I live my life chasing memories and insatiably searching for new adventures to supply me with that ultimate happiness we all seem to be seeking.
The one place I absolutely thrive in is nature. The stillness of the backcountry and the feeling of being one with where we all came from, that’s the way I like to travel. I don’t do well in crowded places. I love learning about the history and architecture in cities but I soon find myself craving the great outdoors.

You probably won’t see me posing in a pretty dress and heels by a lake; the Tom Boy in me prefers comfy leggings and hiking boots. You won’t find me in a luxury hotels in Tulum or attending brunches with avocado toast in Malibu; I’m a simple girl who enjoys a sleeping bag and taking the path less explored.
Learning about the places I go, diving head first into the cultures and sharing those experiences with you through my eyes and my lens gives me that drive and passion to continue on this journey.

While I am undoubtedly destined to be a wanderer, I don’t take for granted those smaller moments that make life beautiful. I relish in visiting places I’ve only read about in books, I never miss the world change colors as the day transforms into night, getting lost on primitive road trips with my husband is top tier fun for me and exploring pieces of our world that leave me speechless is the only way I want to live.
I started my blog to not only store my experiences, memories and pictures from globe-trotting, but to inspire you all to get out there and see our world in all its glory. Don’t forget to dream big, love hard and remind yourself that life is way too damn short to be unhappy.

For all inquiries or collaborations, please contact: TheBreakofDawns@Gmail.com