I’ve yet to mention on this blog my other obsession that I am committed to whole-heartedly and have no control over whatsoever.
I’m a Fire-Dancin’ Nancy, Cornbread Eatin’, Big Eyed Fish who may get stuck in a Space Between The Stone and a hard place Everyday but I always make the Best of What’s Around.
DMB fans: do you like what I did there?
This morning when I woke up I grabbed my coffee and nestled into my butt-imprinted side of the couch to catch up on what I missed while I was asleep (a 6 hour time difference from almost 100% of my social media friends means I miss a lot while I’m sleeping). I noticed an article being shared over and over about how Dave Matthews Band has been “shitting on its fans with its music for 25 years.” Excuse my language, I’m just quoting these musically-declined human beings, but in all seriousness I can’t even fathom that. The self-proclaimed “music lovers” of whom have never attended a DMB concert need to hush until they’ve actually experienced a weekend with the band.
I live, breathe, eat, sleep, everything DMB.
When I’m sad, my husband turns on the Live Trax Series for me and within seconds I’m singing along, imagining I’m at a show and forgetting about any worry I had before. For birthday and Christmas presents, family members gift me DMB memorabilia. My bank account suffers annually due to my priority of concert tickets and traveling expenses, but trust me when I say it’s worth it.
I attended my first DMB concert when I was 14 and I was instantly hooked. My older brother delved into DMB music when I was younger and I always thought “hmm, that one sounds the same as the last song.” But holy hell was I mistaken.
I have been graced with DMB & D&T (Dave & Tim) performances everywhere from my home venue in Noblesville, Indiana (Deer Creek for all of my true DMB fans), all the way to Prague, Czech Republic.
Dave Matthews IS my happy place. A summer without a Dave show is not a real summer to me. In 2011, the band went on hiatus from their annual summer tour to do a series of Caravan shows in major cities. I was too young to travel to Chicago for 4 days alone so this was the only year in my DMB fandom that I went without attending a show. That was the most unfulfilling summer I’ve ever had.
Ever since then, I vowed to myself that I would make at least one show per year. While I’ve yet to attend the annual Labor Day weekend at the Gorge (my #1 bucket list item), I have been to many other venues and I will say, Deer Creek in Noblesville takes the cake.
**UPDATE: As of September 2018, I will have finally made it to the Gorge for LaborDave!
This outdoor venue radiates during DMB weekend and, while there may be multiple campgrounds around, each one has a common theme during a DMB weekend: friendliness and fun. Whether you’re a DMB newbie or attending your 41st show, you will undoubtedly grasp the full experience that true DMB fans rave about. It doesn’t matter whether you’re in the last row of the lawn amongst thousands of people or 2 feet from Dave with your elbows resting on his stage (yeah, I’ve done that) you will always leave having withdrawals and Dave-pression.

There’s nothing like standing next to your best friend and taking a guess as to what song’s coming next then squealing with excitement when that bust-out song you haven’t heard in 8 years emits through the speakers and begins to envelope your every sense. You can look out among the 25,000 people and just feel the energy. I think that’s why Dave loves this venue so much and has been faithful to it since he first played here in June of ’96. Deer Creek is untouched by any other venue. While I’m sure the Gorge is great with the cascading landscape that makes for a stunning backdrop while listening to your fav band, the camaraderie between the fans in Noblesville cannot be tainted.

As DMB reaches their 26th year this year, truly think about how many bands exist that the fans are able to enjoy a quarter of a century later, all without the drama of splitting up and still maintaining the release of new music!
So, please, before you are quick to judge my band and their talents, GO TO A SHOW. I can promise that you will walk out of there unwillingly shaking your behind and humming out loud, constantly playing the evening back over in your head.
A DMB show will be The Last Stop to you finding true happiness in your musically-inspired life and if it isn’t, well, it’s Out Of My Hands then.