Located on the northeast side of Lake Geneva in Switzerland sits a luxurious five-star resort and spa, fit only for a king and queen. The place is Le Mirador and it’s taken Pinterest by storm with its extravagant sundeck views and exquisite location.
While I’m the ultimate budgeter when it comes to travel, I splurged on this two-night stay at Le Mirador. It was by far the most expensive place I’ve been but was totally worth it. You can snag a room like the one outlined in this post for no less than $275. If you’re feeling extra fancy, try one of the suites for around $3,300 for one night!
Here’s Living Like Royalty at Le Mirador in Chardonne:

Arriving to Le Mirador
After a drive down a one-lane road on the tippy top of the mountain, we arrive to the hotel with a magnificent view of surrounding Lake Geneva. Although it was incredibly foggy when we got there, the outline of the Alps were somewhat visible and I couldn’t wait for the weather to clear up.
Coming through the spinning door of the lobby, we instantly feel out of our element. Floor-to-ceiling windows with million dollar views of the Alps stretch the span of the room. The staff, dressed in their finest attire, ask us if we’d like a glass of champagne while we check in.
While in that process, the staff constantly apologized for the fog outside, as if it were their fault. They ensured us that it should clear up by the end of the day (it didn’t) so we can enjoy the main attraction of this resort, the view. After check in, they escort us to our room and the guy gives us a tour of our magnificent suite, almost as if we were buying it. When he’s finally done showing us everything from light switches to the espresso maker, he departs the room and we can finally get to exploring.

The room, almost bigger than the apartment I live in, is fully equipped with everything anyone would need. From Nespresso packs to plush robes and a walk-in closet big enough for an entire family’s wardrobe, this place thought of everything. The massive jet tub and walk-in shower were calling my name but that king size bed was the real winner. You’d think you’re sleeping on a marshmallow. A balcony adorned with sun chairs and a view that belong on a postcard is definitely the highlight of the room.

Exploring Around Le Mirador
Walking down winding stairwells lit up by blacklights and dangling bulbs, the hallway displays show items from brands like Louboutin and Louis Vuitton. Other features of the hotel we pass by are a piano bar, shops, an the Givenchy spa, a restaurant and the pool.
Now, this pool isn’t like at your typical Holiday Inn; Le Mirador’s logo brands the bottom of it with domed windows above for sunlight. In the summer, the sun deck is open with the most magical Swiss views you could ever imagine.

Drinks & Dinner
Le Mirador has completed multiple renovations since we visited a couple of years ago, like opening a new Japanese restaurant called Hinata. Before dinner we snag a couple of house cocktails at the piano bar and relax comfortably on a lavish leather couch.

After drinks come dinner so we spent it eating at Le Patio, the only restaurant that was open at that time. Our dinner was absolutely incredible here and most of the menu items can really be shared by two people. We made the mistake of getting separate meals on our first night so the second night we shared a steak that was so massive, it was literally served on top of a tree stump! I have no idea why I didn’t take a picture of it (blame the wine) but it had to be one of the most insane ways I’ve seen food presented. Dinner the first night, with a bottle of wine included, was around $250 but we got smart the second night and ate for a little less than $200.
With a full belly, we stumble back to our room and find that it’s been prepared for the night. Inside we find rugs and slippers laid out next to our bed so our feet don’t touch the ground. The pillows were fluffed, sheets pulled back and fresh towels on the edge of the bed with a small chocolate treat. I could get used to this.
Along with our prepped beds we find a breakfast menu offering a wide variety of food options. With a spot next to each item to choose what we want, we write what time we want it delivered in the morning and place it outside of our room.

Waking Up to a View
Since it was foggy upon our arrival, I make it a point to wake up early for the sunrise. It’s no secret that I want to catch my real first view of what this place should look like. Boy, was I in for a treat!

It’s been 3 years and 20 countries since I visited Le Mirador Kempenski. To this day, that’s still the most beautiful sunrise I’ve seen.
I end up staying awake for the rest of the morning, afraid I’d miss the colors change if I close my eyes again. Before long, a knock at the door can be heard. Breakfast is served!

The Final Day at Le Mirador
Full of scrumptious breakfast food, we drive down into the town of Lucerne with the hopes of finding some cheap wine. We find a market, buy two bottles at around $10 a piece. Upon arriving back at the hotel, we found that same wine on the drink menu for 10 times the price!
Sitting on our balcony in our Le Mirador robes looking out at those views, we enjoy our wine and the company we’re in. It’s hard not to enjoy yourself spending a weekend sipping wine and relaxing, especially in a place like this.

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