Located in the Bavaria region of southern Germany is a wondrous oasis of cavernous trails nestled next to a pristine turquoise stream. The Partnach Gorge, or Partnachklamm, is a short drive from Garmisch-Partenkirchen and a must-see for Bavarian travelers. Over time, Partnach was formed by the erosion of a stream, transforming it into a 2300 foot-long, 260 foot-deep gully that is now accessible for travelers from all over the world.
Here’s the Phenomenal Partnach Gorge:

Info for the Partnach Gorge
If you’re coming from Garmisch-Partenkirchen, the drive is about 12 minutes. The Partnach Gorge is open daily with hours varying by season.
The Olympic Skistadion, site for the ski-jump in the 1936 Winter Olympics, hosts as Partnach’s parking area. Reaching the Gorge from the parking lot requires about a 25 minute walk.

Some days, a horse-drawn carriage is available to bring visitors to the entrance. I suggest walking though, as a subtle-flowing turquoise stream accompanies you on the winding road. The view opens up to some incredible sights of the mountains cutting off the clouds in the sky.

Taking the Lower Path to the Partnach Gorge
The entrance to the Gorge is symbolized by a statement of a door, welcoming you into a cavernous dream.

What I didn’t find out until after visiting the Gorge was that there are actually two different pathways you can take. The one we took takes you through the bottom of the gorge where you wind through cavernous tunnels, following the path of the water. The other, that I was unaware of, takes you above the gorge so that the entire hike you’re looking down into it.

Hiking Through the Partnach Gorge
We visited the Partnach Gorge in the winter, allowing us to see it in its frozen glory. Even though it was extremely cold, the water freely flowed, creating wondrous waterfalls from the top of the caverns.

Icicles lined the walking path as we made our way through. The limestone walls mirror the colors of the stream, displaying hints of turquoise and green throughout the entire tour.

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Such a gorgeous location! Look at the colour of that water!
Aleeha xXx
One of the most untouched, pristine & serene places I’ve been! Totally worth a visit 🙂