You all know by now that road trips are my thing. Acting as copilot as my husband whizzes us down a primitive road with the windows down, music blaring, wind in my hair and feeling absolutely free, that’s my type of travel. If you’re not an avid road tripper like I am, then you’ll need to read on to learn about the mistakes to avoid on a road trip.
Here’s Road Trip Talk: Mistakes to Avoid on a Vehicular Adventure:

Not Planning
One of the main factors of enticement for going on a road trip is that there are no limits to spontaneity. After all, it’s pretty tough to plan out every little stop you’ll make along the way as new sights pop up around every corner. On the other hand, have sort of plan for your road trip to keep track of time and ensure each day is balanced. By being too spontaneous, it’s very easy to take your time in the beginning of the trip then feel like you have to rush towards the end.

Foregoing a Routine Check-Up on Your Vehicle
No matter the circumstances before a road trip, don’t start driving until you’ve checked out your vehicle. The auto shop can point out any parts of the car that may require attention before taking it on a long journey. Don’t forget to have your mechanic top off those fluids and check that your spare tire is in good condition.

Not Having An Emergency Plan
Not that I’m putting any bad mojo out there but having a plan for emergencies is so important on a road trip. Registering beforehand with a company like AAA is a great precaution to take before a trip. Carrying a first-aid kit with you in your vehicle is another ideal tip so that you can deal with small injuries yourself.

Not Planning Ahead for Cheap Gas
Sometimes this portion can be unavoidable but if you’re soaring along an Interstate, gas station stops are endless. Search online while on the road to find the cheapest pumps, using apps like Gas Buddy. Remember that gas prices soar during high travel seasons and prices tend to be cheaper deeper into a town off the highway.
Becoming A Target For Thieves
I can’t think of many more worse things to deal with when road tripping than being targeted by thieves. To combat this, always remove any valuables from the vehicle or store anything of value out of sight. Ensure your vehicle has the necessary alarm system to alert you if it were to be broken into.

Taking Shortcuts
I know all too well the restless feelings behind being on the road for hours at a time and wanting to get from point A to B as quickly as possible. Sometimes taking a short cut isn’t always the best idea though. Not only could you be missing out on scenic views but those short cuts may not be as advantageous to your journey as you think.
While road tripping in Belize from the airport to the southern Toledo district, Google Maps wanted me to take a shortcut, saving an hours time it said. Although I planned on taking that route, I asked the lady at the rental company about it. She told me that this coastal route, although it looks like a shortcut, is actually very dangerous and shouldn’t be driven on. Apparently hardly any civilization exists out there and the entire road is full of dirt and holes. On top of that, if it were to rain at any point, the road would wash out into the ocean very easily. That was enough for me to take the longer, more scenic route.
Read More: Renting a Car in Belize: Costs + Tips

Driving Too Far In One Day
Being tired on the road is one of the leading causes of traffic accidents and is definitely something you don’t want to risk. Plan in plenty of breaks or split up the driving time between other passengers if at all possible.
Accounting for Busy Travel Times
Spring break, summertime, and holidays are by far the busiest travel times on the road. Various times of the day are busier than others so, by looking at your itinerary beforehand, you should be aware if you’ll be heading through any busy cities so you can try your best to miss rush hour. Being stuck in traffic jams for hours on end are not only a drab to your road trip, but it could add hours to your journey.
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